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martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011


NOTE: As many of you know, we usually write in spanish this blog, but taking on account that for this post we are going to have a couple visits by 'english only' people and also taking on account that many latinos read fairly well both languages, we decided to write in english for this story. Enjoy it.

These are the three masterminds behind the 'Pure Metal' event that took place at the '7 Train Theater' on sunday, november 27th. From left to right: 'Rock Sur Productions' Director Charly Vargas'Valiente Entertainment' José Pedroza and Paul Izquierdo, the original creator of the concept. 

Queens, NY.- Really talented musicians played on the stage of the '7 Train Theater' during a special rock event that took place on sunday, november 27th, 2011. 'Pure Metal', was the name of the event where twelve really good trash metal bands showed off their skills and material.

According to the producers, 'Pure Metal' was created thinking on those talented bands who make great Metal, but who haven't got that much exposure and promotion for them as they would like to. "We believe in the actual rock movement", stated Paul Izquierdo, one of the producers of 'Pure Metal'. "And being part of this business for a while, we know that out there, some unscrupolus promoters just exploit the local bands and use them to make money only for themselves, but give little or nothing to those same local bands they work with", stated Izquierdo. 

And we at 'UNIVERSO ROCKERO' have been aware of this problem for some time. The thing is that everybody involved in the making, producing or participating of a live show has a small concept to understand: COSTS and BENEFITS

Izquierdo told us that they are planning to make a similar event every 3 months and among their near future plans, is also the publishing of a Metal genre magazine.

Pictures by: MOGOLLAN ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2011, All Rights Reserved. 
"Raza Odiada" (pronounced: Rah-zah  O-dee-ah-dah, meaning Hated Race) is one of the bands that participated in the "Pure Metal" event. They are celebrating a decade of uninterrupted career playing rock. Yep, as young as they look, they have been on the scene for 10 years now and are actually promoting their most recent production "Pare de Sufrir" (Stop Suffering), which includes the hits: "Raza Odiada" (Hated Race), "Un muerto más" (One more dead), "Pacto de Sangre" (Blood Pact), "P.G.R.",  "Cementerio de Mujeres" (Women Graveyard) and "La Caspa Del Diablo" (Devil's Dandruff). "Raza Odiada", has started already promoting "Hermano Vecino" (Brother Neighbor) a song of their next CD.

You can get "Raza Odiada" music at ITunes and check their videoclips at Youtube.
Cover of "Raza Odiada" 's most recent album "Pare de Sufrir" (Stop Suffering).

Producers and bands, can come to a fair agreement that results in a mutual benefit, if both parts first understand that a producer runs into higer costs when arranging a show: renting of the place, lights, sound equipment, publicity /advertisement, security, etc. and while musicians run into costs as well, the band's costs don't run as high as those of the producer.

Still the band has to pay for transportation, instruments rental, the loss of a full day of salary -assuming the musicians had to work in their daytime job on the day of the show- renting of the rehearsal room, etc.

During their performance on the stage of the "7 Train Theater", 'Engine of The Sun' played "K.B.F." (Kill Business People), "Guns and Gasoline", "Brother", "The Time is Now", "This is a Test" and "Road Song". They told us how much they enjoyed participating in this event and look forward to perform in future events of this kind.

Now, by having a band playing in their show, producers get the benefit of having live entertainment, which automatically raises the show to another level. On the other hand, when a band plays in a show, their benefit is the exposure they get in front of a (new) live audience and by the publicity and promotion they get with the advertising of the show.

If the show sells good, promoters and producers get, not only their costs covered, but probably will make a couple thousand or hundred bucks and then some. But if the show doesn't sell that good... well, in the worst case scenario, they won't even get even. Remember: the producers's money is at stake and sometimes, when things don't run as smoothly, they might have to put more money from their pockets just to cover costs. How could they pay a local not- so -famous-band in that case?.

Cuban - American band 'Fire Haze' plays some kind of "Melodic Trash Metal" (according to one of its members) and among the songs that they performed that night were: "Enemy", "Rise of the Troops", "Pride", "Bloodline", "Memories", "Our Path" and "Rotten".

Still, both, Producers and bands can get a mutual benefit, but only if there is HONESTY, GOODWILL and WILLINGNESS TO COOPERATE with each other. Producers have to make their VERY BEST effort to try to expose and promote those bands they are going to work with, while musicians can make their VERY BEST effort to try to promote the show and try to bring more people to it (fans, friends, family, etc.) to $upport it ($$$$).

If the show sells good, a written agreement should be made that a percentage (even if small) should be paid to the band for the performance of its musicians, at least to cover their costs. This of course is just an opinion and those involved more directly in the producing and participating of a live show should learn to negociate what's best for them.

'Fire Haze' keyboard player, Cuban - American Jendez caused such
an uproar among gentlemen, not only because of her talent to play
the keyboard, but also, because of her beautiful model -like good looks.

'Demonium' played for us all: "Crossing The Gates of Hell", "Tears of Blood",
"Odio" (Hate), "All left behind", "Templo Sagrado de Hipocresia" (Hypocrisy Sacred Temple),
"Almas Sin Pena" (No Shame Souls) and "Mundo de Destrucción" (Destruction World).

What can bands do to help producers expose them better?. First, have your material ready: bio, photo, logo, slogan, website, phone, e-mail, discography, videos, links, everything ready for the producer to just copy, paste and send it to the media, and whoever seems to be interested in hearing about it. DON'T make the producer'a life miserable by forcing him / her to stop a press release because he / she doesn't have your info, as required.

"Revelation" is one of the songs that 'Castrofate' performed on the stage of the '7 Train Theater', along with "Systematic', "Thunderclap", "I Human", "Murder at Yale", "Deus Ox Machina", "The Enemy Within" and "Seek and Destroyed".

What can producers do to help bands bring more people to the show?. One word: INCENTIVES. Offer the bands a per cent of every ticket they sell or offer them a more prominent place in the advertising flyer /poster... I don't know, offer them something that could benefit them, that could incentivate, motivate them to bring more people to the show.

Clowning around. That's how we  caught backstage 'Trial by Terror' members who played "M.T.B.Y. H" (or My Thunder Blasts Your Head), "U.F.F." (Ugly Fucking Face), "Medieval", "Shepperd of Ignorance" and "Drag You to Hell".

What else can producers and bands do to BENEFIT each other?.

Plenty. For starters, producers should try NOT to jam the show with as many bands as possible. Take on account the time it takes to change, arrange and test the instruments. So those bands with a longer career should get more on stage- time. Just show RESPECT for a band's trajectory. If a band has 5, 10 + years in the business, then they have a career in which they have invested time and money. DON'T treat them as simple beginners, only because they are not that famous... yet.

Again, this are only humble personal opinions of yours truly, and they are given with all due respect and the main purpose is to try to guide both, band and producers, in the process of helping each other and get a mutual benefit.

'Trial by Terror' guitarrist David Sánchez and his wife Paula.

On the other hand, bands should NOT abandon the place as soon as they finish playing. That only shows selfishness and a lack of manners. Show your support for other bands, by BEING THERE. You like to have an audience, right?, they, too!!!.

Ecuadorian 'Arka' participated in the 'Pure Metal' event by playing "Justicia" (Justice), "Días Nuevos" (New Days), "La Fuerza de Metal" (Metal's Force), "Mentiras" (Lies), "Pain in My Heart", "Arka" and "Forever".

So, it all boils down to a couple of other concepts:

1.- RESPECT for each other.
(from producer to band, from band to producer and from band to band)

2.-HONESTY with each other.
(When dealing to participate in a show and when it comes the time to pay)

3.-UNDERSTANDING with each other.
(When the show doesn't sell as good -for example- or when a flat tire makes the band late)

4.-PROFESIONALISM with each other, because this in turn, will bring CREDIBILITY in both.
(The band will be always ON TIME and get on the stage SOBER, and the producer will give what was offered. NO EXCUSES, NO 'BUTS'. (This goes for both)

Audio Engineer Oscar Huerta provided the audio mixer for this show. His company "Audio Huerta", has a website that you can visit whenever you need some audio equipment for an event: http://www.audiohuerta.com/

Ecuadorian guitarrist César Lema, best known as "Wincho" is a member of 'Mala Entraña'. "Wincho" starts playing the "Charango", a small Andean stringed instrument, before playing the guitar, as if, honoring his roots. 'Mala Entraña' performed its hits "Iglesias Malditas" (Damned Churches), "El Show de la Muerte" (Death's Show), "Desmembrado" (Dismembered), "Asesinos" (Murderers) and "Walk".

'Deathalizer'. We heard next month they'll be in Europe on tour. For this event, they played "Angels Fault", "Crawling Back In", "Apocracy", "More Than Gone" and "Rise".

Among the many personalities that we met
that night, Jennifer Valdes was one of them.
 She is one of the producers of "The All New Brain Eaters Show",
 that is broadcasted on the Queens Public Television.

Jaileth, Omar and Lina at the bar.

Giovanna is a hardcore fan of "Raza Odiada".
and she went to the event to show her support
to her favorite band.

Tony "Diablo" and his wife K-ta run
 "Red Bone Tatoos". She is the tatoo artist,
he does the body piercing.
They were sponsors of 'Pure Metal'

Dj Caluda (center) contributed to the success of this event
with part of his light / sound equipment and his talented mixes.
Here, we can see him with his partners Daniel (left) and José,
better known as "La Lupita Internacional" and "Sonido Golden boy".

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011


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lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010


© Copyright MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010,
Derechos Reservados

Manhattan, NY.- La foto de arriba fue tomada el domingo 21 de febrero en el Latin Quarters, también conocido como LQ. En ella aparecen miembros de las bandas rockeras "Blue Boys" e "Inspector", quienes estuvieron participando en un concierto producido por Valiente Entertainment en conjunto con Solar Entertainment y One World Marketing, y donde también participó la banda local "Sr. Fuss", DJ Caluda y Sonido Sin Nombre.  Proximamente les vamos a traer un reportaje del "Sr. Fuss" y como poco a poco están escalando en la escena rockera de "La Urbe de Hierro".

viernes, 15 de enero de 2010


© Copyright MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010,
Derechos Reservados

Manhattan, NY.- 14 de octubre de 1958. Ese es el día cuando fue lanzado el tema "La Bamba", una canción tradicional mexicana, interpretada al estilo de Rock & Roll por el mexico-americano Ritchie Valenz. Se considera que ese día nació, en Estados Unidos, el Rock Latino, que hoy en día abarca no solo el rock en español, si no también el rock en portugués e italiano.

Han transcurrido ya más de 50 años desde que eso sucedió y el Rock Latino, por supuesto que ha evolucionado y ganado más adeptos. Uno de esos rockeros de corazón es el actor neoyorquino de origen colombiano César Camacho, quien hace dos años fundó "The Latin Rock Conference", una plataforma creada para apoyar a cientos de bandas de rock latinas que están surgiendo desde hace diez años en Nueva York, especialmente en Queens, Brooklyn y Long Island.

De acuerdo con César Camacho, durante mucho tiempo ha visto a muchas bandas de rock tocando en discotecas de Queens temas muy buenos donde mezclan ritmos de varios países de Latinoamérica; sin embargo, son muy pocas las bandas que pueden darse a conocer en el mundo del espectáculo a mayor nivel. "pensamos que si ponemos en contacto a las bandas de rock con los promotores y las casas disqueras a través de los showcsases que se celebran durante todo el año, este movimiento musical latino va a proyectarse y a encontrar el espacio que se merece y que le puede abrir las puertas al éxito", declaró.

En esta nueva edición de "The Latin Rock Conference" se unen al proyecto Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) y el Consulado General de Colombia en Nueva York. BMI es una organización que entre otras cosas, se dedica principalmente a cobrar cuotas a aquellos negocios que usan música, y después distribuye ese dinero en forma de regalías entre sus miembros (compositores cuyas obras han sido tocadas en alguna estación de radio, por ejemplo).

En este caso, BMI esta en capacidad de patrocinador del evento para hacerlo crecer, mientras que el Consulado General de Colombia en Nueva York ha brindado a "The Latin Rock Conference" una plataforma muy importante para que el grupo ganador de este año participe en "Rock Al Parque", un concierto multitudinario que se celebra desde hace 15 años en Bogotá y que congrega a más de 100.000 personas. "Estamos muy agradecidos porque las bandas latinas de rock de Nueva York podrán mostrase internacionalmente, y esto ha sido una gestión del Consulado General de Colombia en Nueva York", dijo Mauricio Hernández, Director de Ibernet Media la agencia de comunicación, marketing y publicidad vinculada a "The Latin Rock Conference".

"Lo que las bandas necesitan para participar en este evento es tener ganas e inscribirse"

"The Latin Rock Conference" esta formado por siete "showcases" o "conciertos de escaparate" y la gran final. Participan cuatro bandas por concierto, algunas de ellas llegadas de otros países que vienen en calidad de invitados. Todos los meses se van a realizar showcases en diferentes salas de Queens, Brooklyn y Manhattan. El concierto final será el 24 de julio en Prospect Park, en Brooklyn.

El gran premio es la gira que se hará a Bogotá (Colombia), donde se presentará ante decenas de miles de personas. La organización apoyará al grupo para la edición, promoción y distribución de su música, también en la promoción y comunicación del grupo en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, España y Latinoamérica. "Hay reconocimientos para las demás bandas, pero esto se dará a conocer en su momento", comentó el señor Hernández.

Pero,¿Qué requisitos necesitan llenar las bandas que estén interesadas en participar en "The Latin Rock Conference" ?, ¿qué tipo de Rock necesitan tocar, necesitar entregar algún demo, llenar algun formulario, tener número de seguro social, ser residentes legales?. Nos contesta de nuevo el Director de Ibernet Media:

"Se necesita tener ganas de participar e inscribirse en www.therockconference.com. Allí llenarán un formulario. Además deberán enviar un demo a la dirección 391 E Mosholu Pkwy N Suite 2C, Bronx NY, 10467. Las bandas tienen hasta finales de marzo para inscribirse".

En el primer showcase que se celebró en la Sala Nuves de Queens el 20 de enero participaron cuatro bandas: "Marroko", "Santa Mamba", "Insomnio" y "Salida". "Todo principio es difícil", declaró César Camacho, "pero en el segundo año estamos viendo mayor interés en nuestro evento", aseguró. "Se ha invertido tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero, sin estos tres elementos es imposible llevara cabo cualquier sueño. Yo los invito a todos a soñar y a que se sumen a esta plataforma de lanzamiento de nuestras bandas de rock latino", dijo, además añadió que estan cerrando acuerdos con varias empresas con las que solo tendrían que pulir algunos detalles de la gran final.

"The Latin Rock Conference" cuenta con el apoyo de muchas personas que ven en el movimiento un gran proyecto, tales como el señor Ender Rondón, quien funge como uno de los productores de este evento y Porfírio Piña, representante de BMI. "Somos concientes del gran esfuerzo que demanda un acontecimiento de esta índole, pero consideramos que nuestra gente se lo merece y alguien tiene que hacerlo. Rondón, Porfírio Piña y muchas personas vinculadas al mundo del espectáculo quieren que las bandas de rock latinas se proyecten y triunfen", comentó César Camacho.

Durante la rueda de prensa que se llevó a cabo en el edificio de B.M.I. la banda Kofre, uno de los grupos participantes nos entregó su álbum más reciente titulado "Por el Hueco" el cual contiene temas como "Papeles", "El Cóndor pasa", "Lo que diga la gente" y "El Muerto", entre otras, lo puedes adquirir en:  http://www.cdbaby.com/

Por su parte, Krónicas, otra de las bandas participantes en esta conferencia de Rock Latino y reconocida en el "Slamfest" como la mejor banda revelación 2009, tiene entre su repertorio temas padrísimos como "Que difícil olvidar", "Noches sin Luz" e "Ilusíon destrozada" interpretadas por su vocalista Solanguie Fala y el guitarrista Edison Loja, principales representantes de esta agrupación. Tomémos en cuenta que Krónicas, antes ha participado en el "Alternafest", abriéndole a Miguel Mateos en el Webster Hall.

Otro participante, el jóven cantante de música indie - electrónica- alternativa Luis Terreros, proximamente va lanzar su álbum "Ecos Lúcidos" en un nightclub de Manhattan. Dicho disco contiene temas como: "Todo lo que extraño hoy", "Don't You Know me?", "Para que esperar" y "Life is going down", entre otros. También lo puedes adquirir en:  http://www.cdbaby.com/

Y ya para finalizar, recordemos que el padre del Rock, es el Rock & Roll y su abuelo, bien podría decirse que fue el Rithm & Blues. El rock nació en en los años 50, y para la década de los 60 y 70, el rock tuvo hijos; subgéneros de rock, tales como: folk rock, blues rock, jazz rock, soul, funk, latin y tantos otros como soft rock, glam rock, heavy metal, hard rock, rock progresivo, y punk rock. Ya para la década de los 80, el rock volvió a tener más hijos. Así que nos encontramos con que de él nacieron el new wave y el rock alternativo....¡¡¡¡uuuffff!!!!. Pero ahí no paró la cosa, ya que para la década de los 90 vieron la luz otros subgéneros del rock como el grunge, Britpop, indie rock, y el nu metal.  Definitivamente, con su interpretación de "La Bamba", Ritchie Valenz creó un impacto en el Rock & Roll, y basicamente, inventó el Rock Latino. mexico_press@yahoo.com
